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The Fox Den

Environment | Layout

Welcome to our classroom or as my students' would say "Welcome to the Fox Den"!  Since my last name is Fox, my students used that to create our classroom name during my first year of teaching and it has stuck ever since then.  In my classroom I have about 27 2nd grade students that learn, explore, and create in this environment everyday!  As you can see there are five tables that sit 5 to 6 students, a back table for small group work, a library area, as well as other areas that provided flexible seating.  If you notice most things are placed at student's level so they can easily access any materials they may need. My classroom is very neat and organized, so that anyone can find what they are looking for!

Leadership | Community

One of my number one goals as an educator is to make students feel comfortable at school and get them to like coming to school!  Our classroom works a lot on leadership skills, building relationships, and establishing norms.  Everything we do involves everyone's input because at the end of the day it is OUR classroom.  

The Fox Den News | Broadcast

The Fox Den News is a monthly student led broadcast.  Students come up with topics to write about that will inform parents or whoever else about our classroom and what we have been learning for the month.  Students then rehearse their stories and prepare for recording.  After recording I edit the video in iMovie and then post it to YouTube and our classroom website!  Students LOVE watching themselves and its a great way to incoporate so many learning experiences into one activity!

To see more of the Fox Den News 




All images are personal images or permission has been granted

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