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Showcase of Work

Educational | Technology

One of the biggest questions I had before pursuing my master's degree in Educational Technology was "What is educational technology?".  What I have learned is that many forms of technology were not created for the classroom however, we must repurpose the technology to enhance the learning of students.

Throughout my master's degree program, I have focused on technology, my students, and my teaching practices.  Below you will find samples of my graduate work that represent my focuses: technology, students, and teaching.  These projects really helped me zoom in on what is important in 21st century teaching. I love to share what I have learned and I hope you find these projects useful in your teaching practices.  If you have any questions regarding my work samples please contact me.

YouTube | Forums

This creation was my favorite!  We could only use YouTube and help forums to create anything we wanted.  I decided I wanted to learn how to make a baby rag quilt.  I read forums and watched YouTube videos to figure out how to make a quilt.  It was a lot of fun and challenging at times.  This assignment challenged me to go outside my comfort zone and try something new.  I was so pleased with my quilt that I wanted to learn how to do other things using only YouTube and help Forums.  I look forward to trying this assignment with my class and showing them how to network with people to create something wonderful!  I feel like this experience made me a better teacher because I realized that I don't have to be the "holder of all knowledge".  If I give my students opportunities to explore and teach them how to find answers for themselves, they can learn how to be independent, resourceful, and persistant.  

Makey Makey | Creator

I have never thought of myself as a creator, until I was put into situations that made me create!  In the video above I used a Makey Makey kit to create an interactive poster that would play a Youtube video.  The interactive poster would enhance students engagement in creating an interactive poster and encourage them to explore others posters and what they learned.  Using the Makey Makey kit also teaches students about closed circuits and what types of material are conductive.  This type of project incompasses so many learning opportunities that students with all differient kinds of abilities and interests can succeed.

Repurposing | Tools

One of the biggest lessons I learned was that tools can be repurposed for a new use.  Technology is often not created for a classroom, but it can be repurposed to fit the needs of your students.  This video shows how I repurposed kitchen tools to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  I learned from this project that I have to take the tools I am given in my classroom and repurpose them to fit the needs of my students.  This project may seem a bit silly, however, it is proof that we can use tools for different jobs even if they weren't created for that purpose.  As an educator, I am now always thinking about how I can repurpose technology to enhance my student's learning.

Response to Intervention | RTI

The purpose of this study was to collect data that explains the experiences of the teachers and students involved in the Response to Intervention (RTI) process.  I came across the purpose of this study in reponse to my own professional concerns, but while researching RTI it further supported the need for this study.  The RTI process was created to help at risk students, however I felt like nobody ever asks them what they think of the program and they are directly involved.  Students' voices are valuable and need to be heard.  Once I identified the problem, I then started researching scholarly journals to see if there was any data on teacher and students experiences with the RTI process.  I couldn't find much, so I was pushed to create my own study.  I created a google survey and gave it to staff members and students.  The goal of this study was to find a better process that met the needs of all students and teachers.  I learned that there are a lot of elements that play a factor in the RTI model.  Therefore, more research would need to be conducted to insure the best possible approach to this model.

Two Students | One Lesson

The purpose of this study was to analyze a literacy lesson taugh to two different students.  A pre and post assessment were given to both students.  I used the pre assessment to plan my lesson and the post assessment to analyze what I would do differently moving forward.  This study allowed me to focus on a concept that my students struggled with and make improvements to better the lesson.  This study made me a better teacher because I really analyzed all aspects; students background, pre/post assessment data, lesson, and future goals with the lesson.  I find that I reflect on lessons daily, however, this assignment required me to focus more deeply.  I learned that by taking the time to reflect deeply about a lesson or a student, you can often learn more and have a better plan developed for the future.

Wicked Problem | Rethinking Teaching

In order to teach 21st century students we, teachers, must rethink teaching because the current education system does not support these learners..  My group and I came up with multiple options that could be implemented so that the needs of these students can be met. We suggested a variety of teaching methods such as personalized learning and flexible classrooms, combined with the implementation of 21st century skills.  We suggested these methods because we believe that these methods would reach all learners and equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in our ever-evolving world.  We learned that there are multiple solutions to this problem and that we must change our outdated system to support todays learners.

Data Analysis | Rethinking Teaching

This data analysis connects to the wicked problem above.  I made a survey and gave it to my current co-workers.  The survey focused on technology.  For example, how much do they use technology in their classroom.  Through this assignment I was able to learn a lot about my co-workers, which showed me that professional development surrounding the topic of educational technology is needed.  This helped me become a better technology leader within my district because I identified a need and have begun to solve this problem.  I attended the Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL) conference and created a pic collage to share what I learned with my colleagues.

Professional Development | Educational Tech.

Learning about my co-workers and their need for professional development (PD) surrounding the topic of educational technology led me to developing a PD session for them.  This artifact is a presentation that will give teachers a basic understanding of educational technology and how they can learn more about it.  This project helped me become a better technology leader because I had to think about how and what to present to staff members.  Through this project I realized that it is extremely important to be clear about the information being presented, answer clarifying questions, and go at a pace that the group is comfortable with.

All videos, papers, and presentations have been created by me

Student | Focused

As a teacher I not only teach, but I learn from my students.  Throughout my graduate work I had opportunities to study my students and best practices.  When I was given the time to study my students, I learn so much about them and my practices.  The greatest gift about these assignments is making sure my students needs are being met!

Teaching | Practices

Being a life long learner in the education world means I will always be seeking ways to further my knowledge and practice.  During my graduate work I was able to think about my practices and how to lead others in 21st century practices.




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